

学生们正在研究最新一期的 曼彻斯特独立报,等等。n-campus digital newspaper that those in the 文学艺术与研究课程 can contribute to.

The University of New Hampshire 在曼彻斯特 will launch three new Bachelor of 艺术 degree options in the fall 2017 semester: professional and technical communications, 数字语言艺术和文学研究.

专业是 文学艺术与研究课程 在曼彻斯特, and they've been designed to focus squarely on the skills employers most want from graduates. 迈克Decelle, 曼彻斯特大学院长, says the program was developed in response to large-scale polls of employers that identified the five most in-demand skills: critical thinking, 创造性思维, 书面交流, 具有良好的口头沟通能力和团队协作能力.

“The 文学艺术与研究课程 is built upon what employers consider most crucial to success in the job market,Decelle说. “These degree options are uniquely designed to prepare students with the marketable skills that are in high demand in a broad array of professional fields, 在我们的地区和全国.”


Students in the program choose one of three specialized bachelor’s degree options: digital language arts, 文学研究或专业技术交流. 每个选项都强调跨学科学习, 将不同研究领域的主题和概念联系起来. 南希Targett, 联合国大学教务长兼学术事务副校长, says this interdisciplinarity is key to engaging students academically as well as preparing them for success after graduation.

“By creating a program that transcends both academic and professional boundaries, 曼彻斯特大学正在重新定义传统的英国教育,塔吉特说. “文学艺术和研究是跨学科的设计, and it will provide students with clearer pathways to employment in multiple sectors.”

该项目的一个重点是体验式学习, with an internship requirement that allows students to gain applied skills, 内容知识和专业经验. Students also have the opportunity to contribute to one of two campus-based publications: 曼彻斯特独立报, 一份覆盖大曼彻斯特地区的数字报纸, 以及最佳美国实验写作奖, 创新文学艺术的年度选集. 赛斯艾布拉姆森, 助理教授,写作专家, says it's experiences like these that set the program apart from traditional English and communications programs.

"I can't think of many undergraduate programs in which a student can graduate having worked for a city newspaper or a nationally recognized literary anthology; interned in a diverse range of civic, creative and corporate environments; and studied in such a wide variety of real-world practice areas,艾布拉姆森说. “当你从头开始构建一个程序时, 注重技能的发展,而不是狭隘的知识范围, 你可以自由地创造一些非凡的课堂体验.”

For more information about literary arts and studies and its degree options, visit 曼彻斯特.主要研究.edu/literaryarts 或致电曼彻斯特大学招生办公室603-641-4150. The literary arts and studies options are not available on the Common Application for the 2017-18 academic year. 学生可以申请“英语”或“未申报”,” then call the admissions office at 603-641-4150 to declare a major in digital language arts, 文学研究或专业技术交流.