
主要研究学生Emily Carbonara '17

For Emily Carbonara '17, an internship turned into an opportunity to conduct meaningful research.

When senior Emily Carbonara started a summer internship at Exeter Hospital in Exeter, 新汉普郡, she didn’t know it would launch her into research on youth suicide prevention in the state.

What began as a community health needs assessment turned into a yearlong project that brings youth suicide in 新汉普郡 into the spotlight. Carbonara has been researching what factors increase vulnerability to suicidal intentions among the state’s youth as a means to create more appropriately targeted intervention programs.

“I got immersed in this data that tells a very compelling story,” says Carbonara.

“I looked at what can be a protective factor against suicide and found that the most significant factor is feeling that you matter to your community and to other people.

例如, 37 percent of survey respondents who have been physically abused by a significant other have reported that they've seriously considered suicide. 想知道更多, Carbonara dug deeper into the data and discovered that more females than males reported having suicidal thoughts or intentions. Then she overlapped data on substance abuse and found that opioid use was the most significant factor affecting one’s vulnerability to suicidal thoughts.


“I looked at what can be a protective factor against suicide and found that the most significant factor is feeling that you matter to your community and to other people,Carbonara说. “This project ultimately went in a public health direction rather than a clinical one. It asks the question ‘How can the community become a support system for youth?’”

第一大的研究, which she conducted alongside health management and policy associate professor Semra Aytur, 最终会出版. 与此同时, she’ll graduate in May and start a job at BerryDunn Consultants in Portland, 缅因州, 一个通常留给硕士毕业生的职位. 在那里, she’ll have the opportunity to work on needs assessment projects for health systems throughout New England and beyond.

“我感到非常幸运,”她说. “主要研究 has done so much to help me prepare for my career beyond college.”

Hear more health-related research findings during the 卫生学院 and 人类服务 格莱姆斯奖比赛4月21日,星期五,下午1:30 - 4:00.m. 在Pettee Hall的G10和106房间.