研究ers receive $2M in grants to study sex trafficking, Internet exploitation


主要研究的 侵害儿童犯罪研究中心 has been awarded three grants totaling more than $2 million from the National Institute of Justice to study child sex exploitation and related crimes. Two of the awards will provide new information on child sex trafficking victimization and a third will study how the technology is used in crimes like sextortion and cyberstalking.

One of the studies on sex trafficking is a national survey that follows up on a 2005 CCRC survey. “Law enforcement has been trying in recent years to identify more juveniles engaged in commercial sexual exploitation and treat them as crime victims rather than as offenders and juvenile delinquents,研究主任说。 金正日米切尔他是心理学研究副教授. “Our study will assess whether police practices have been moving in the right direction.”

Another study will look at the efforts to build effective programs to work with sex trafficking victims. “这可能是一个很难帮助的人群,”研究主任说 丽莎•琼斯他是心理学研究副教授. “受害者通常有多重问题,比如家庭虐待, 寄养历史, 逃跑和滥用药物. 我们想知道这些项目是否起到了作用.CCRC将与Love146合作, a nonprofit victim service agency that provides services to youth trafficking victims, 对于这项研究.

A third new study will conduct a national victim survey about crimes against young people that have been facilitated by the Internet and digital technologies. “These crimes are not well documented in conventional crime statistics, and their dynamics need to be better understood to aid in prevention and outreach to victims,研究主任说。 大卫Finkelhor社会学教授兼CCRC主任.

除了这些研究, CCRC的研究人员也将参与一项大型的, 协作, multidisciplinary research study awarded to Northeastern University to better understand the health consequences of child sex trafficking victims, 与全国各地的受害者服务机构合作.

CCRC是美国领先的研究中心.S. on topics related to commercial child sexual exploitation and technology with a history of studies on these topics dating back over 20 years.