

Eight 主要研究 students will set out for global destinations this spring as recipients of the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金, immersing themselves in cultures and studying in locales as far flung as Tanzania and the Gold Coast of Australia.

吉尔曼奖学金 provides awards to Pell grant-eligible students who are studying or interning abroad for credit. 到2021年,美国将成为.S. State Department recognized 主要研究 as a top producer of Gilman Scholars in the country as part of the 20th anniversary of the program.

今年的获奖者是黛西·伯恩斯的23岁, 赖利·格雷,23岁, Klara Lee, 23岁, 欧莉娅·米尔恩,23岁, 比安卡·德曼24岁, 瑞秋Youngcourt, 24岁, 莎拉·格蕾丝·芭芭和朱莉·莫特.

黛西烧伤. (礼貌)

伯恩斯, 桑伯顿大学的经济学和可持续发展双学位, 新汉普郡, will be studying human-wildlife conflict and environmental conservation and conducting research in National Parks throughout Tanzania. 尽管她将要工作的学校位于莫约山, 她所在的小组也将作为该计划的一部分进行旅行.

吉尔曼奖学金为伯恩斯提供了这样一个机会, and she said she is also excited to be part of the national network of Gilman scholars and to have access to all the opportunities the network provides.

伯恩斯说:“我最期待看到坦桑尼亚令人难以置信的野生动物。. “我很高兴能在大学里有这样的经历, 我相信它会塑造我的职业轨迹.”

赖利灰色. (礼貌)

灰色的, 她在巴恩斯特德大学主修沟通科学和障碍, 新汉普郡, 你将在澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学学习吗, taking elective courses while planning to be active in the university’s speech pathology program that includes an on-site stuttering clinic.

“This scholarship will allow me to fully take advantage of the opportunities that studying abroad has to offer,格雷说. “我很高兴能与我的同学和教授建立积极的关系, 了解澳大利亚文化,探索世界不同的地方.”


米尔恩, 在多佛大学主修人类发展和家庭研究,辅修人类学, 新汉普郡, 在澳大利亚黄金海岸的邦德大学学习, 选读符合她专业和辅修要求的课程, 包括为期一周的斯特拉德布鲁克岛之旅, 学生将在哪里收集生活在海岸线上的野生动物和植物的数据.

She chose Bond University because of its size – “I wanted a small community to live in while living in the bustling up-and-coming Gold Coast,她说,而且靠近海滩, 她还说,她希望有空的时候能去潜水和浮潜.

“Receiving this scholarship will assist my financial situation significantly and allow me to focus fully on the academic and cultural opportunities before me rather than on financial worries,“米尔恩, 谁已经开始上课了, 说. “无论走到哪里,我都喜欢结识新朋友. 我很感激能沉浸在这里.”


德国, 来自萨默斯沃思的英语教学专业, 新汉普郡, 将在塞维利亚的帕布罗·奥拉维德大学上课, 西班牙, 完成她的环境, 技术与社会发现, her historical perspectives discovery and a pair of Spanish classes as part of a Spanish minor.

德国 说 the Gilman scholarship took the financial worry out of the study abroad opportunity and that she hopes to continue improving her writing skills through the experience.

“I am most excited to expand my knowledge in a language I already speak and be able to use that skill in my future classrooms,德国人说. “I am also excited to be able to explore a country that I have never seen – and be able to explore it with new people.”


Youngcourt, a dual business administration (with an accounting option) and sustainability major from Clayton, 特拉华州, 将在荷兰奈梅亨大学学习, 在奈梅亨管理学院内.

在那里,她将探索各种各样的话题, 包括关注性别交集的课程, 环境与商业, as well as the information decision-making process that businesses go through to ensure sustainability. 她很感兴趣的一门课程是荷兰的历史、政治和文化.

“I am intrigued by the challenge of studying in the different academic structure that sets many European universities apart from those in the United States and know it will lead to academic and personal growth by the end of the semester. 我对在这段经历结束时我将如何改变感到非常兴奋,扬科特说. “Becoming a Gilman scholar also means joining a wonderful network of current and past scholars. Being part of this community will allow me to build countless valuable connections with peers around the country and will open the door to future additional opportunities through the Gilman program.”

Youngcourt 说 she is also looking forward to learning about the sustainability initiatives present in the Netherlands and becoming part of the Dutch culture while also hopefully taking advantage of the chance to visit other parts of Europe during her stay.


Barba is a classics and anthropology major with a minor in Asian studies and linguistics. 最初来自圣何塞, 加州, 她六岁时搬到新罕布什尔州,目前住在拉伊. 她将在洛伦佐·迪·美第奇大学学习, 佛罗伦萨国际学院, 意大利, where she will be learning Italian and pursuing her classics major (which encompasses the ancient culture, 哲学, 罗马人的艺术和历史, 埃及人, 意大利人和佛罗伦萨人.)

这将是芭芭在美国以外的第一次经历, 她说她期待着学习的机会, 也有机会享受食物和语言.

“I now have the ability to immerse myself in a completely different culture than I grew up in,芭芭说。. “I have this fury of passion for learning about people’s stories, which helps me grow as a person. 吉尔曼奖学金为我提供了追求梦想的途径.”

Lee, a finance major from Manchester, 新汉普郡, will be studying in the United Kingdom.


有兴趣申请吉尔曼奖学金? 了解更多澳门葡京网赌游戏这个和其他可用的机会 国家研究金办公室.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@shiyoua.com | 603-862-4465