Ice Hockey

Recent Stories

  • UNH Whittemore Center
    - Score!
    即使是最忠实的野猫队(Wildcat)冰球球迷也会遇到这种情况:你在错误的时刻走向小卖部,错过了领先的进球,或者错过了那个精彩的防守动作... Read More
  • Julia Hird '16
    - Making Her Own Play
    16岁的茱莉亚·赫德从7岁起就开始打冰球. 当她刚开始的时候,这是一种她的孪生妹妹卡罗琳做不到的事情. Let her have... Read More
  • Veterans Honored at UNH-UMaine Men's Hockey Game
    - Veterans Honored at UNH-UMaine Men's Hockey Game
    Before they took the ice recently, 曼彻斯特大学和明尼苏达大学的男子冰球队与荣誉勋章获得者、曼彻斯特大学校友瑞安·皮茨和特拉维斯·米尔斯一起来访, a quadruple... Read More
  • Ryan Pitts, Travis Mills, Wild-Ecat, and supporters on ice.
    - On Ice, Honoring Vets
    Special Guests Before they took the ice this past weekend, 曼彻斯特大学和缅因大学的男子冰球队与荣誉勋章获得者、曼彻斯特大学校友瑞安·皮茨和... Read More
  • UNH women's gymnastics
    - Sports Shorts
    昂首阔步:3月22日,女子体操队很快就获得了东大西洋体操联盟(EAGL)的第二次冠军. The... Read More
  • katey stone
    - The Road to Olympus
    It’s the journey and the destination for U.S women’s Olympic hockey coach Katey Stone ’89. 在本月的冬奥会期间,野猫国家将有很多值得欢呼的事情... Read More
  • Katey Stone '89
    - Golden Opportunity
    与89届的凯蒂·斯通(Katey Stone)的对话是澳门葡京网赌游戏她的工作——哈佛大学女子冰球队的主教练,她暂时离职,执教美国女子冰球队.S. women’s Olympic hockey team—are sprinkled with words like “... Read More
  • dead fish being thrown on hockey rink before game
    - Stories: Be There When The Fish Hits The Ice
    Wildcat hockey is huge at UNH and throughout the state. 周五和周六晚上的比赛通常会吸引数千人从校园和周围社区到惠特莫尔... Read More
  • Fans Give Playoff-Bound Hockey Team a Harlem Shake Tribute
    - Fans Give Playoff-Bound Hockey Team a Harlem Shake Tribute
    NCAA 2013 Division 1 Men's Ice Hockey Championship Bracke UNH Wildcats' Official Harlem Shake. Filmed at UNH Men's Hockey game on March 1, 2013. Song by Baauer Read More
  • ice hockey players at black ice tournament
    - Alumni Shine in Black Ice Hockey Tournament
    黑色冰球锦标赛为纽约州康科德的公共滑冰项目筹集资金.H. UNH Wildcats still dominate in hockey! The UNH team held its own at the third annual... Read More